วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

No-Fault Car Insurance

No-fault auto insurance can be confusing. A common mistake that no-fault insurance is that you drive as you wish, without fear of taking responsibility for your mistakes. But the term "no fault" is more on the way insurance claims are processed in our state to do. Relax in the fault, insurance policies, financial losses, if he / she is guilty or not. Every state deals with the issue of insuranceseveral. Some states do not offer "no coverage" fault, but a different brand of the same thing as a tort "coverage.

Although they are similar, there are too few options, like the no-fault states deal with issues such as insurance status is illegal. If you live in an illegal state, for example, and are in an accident is not your fault, are involved, you have a choice, or you can solve your insurance company, or you can ask the other drivers car insurance ,To manage the details, according to free the effort to report the accident to your insurance company and pay the deductible. This can be a comforting option, but was removed from the equation, if you do it with a waiting time slow insurance will find lots to do.

Besides the time factor, it provides an indication of unlawful insurance as a method to recover the payment. You should sue the driver responsibleTo avoid injury to receive payment, and Sue is no guarantee that you will ever see compensation. On the other hand, no-fault policy does not pay at once (so far) and then work with insurance companies that are involved to ensure that the correct party pays. You can also ask that before you try to sue for damages, the person who was in need of guilt. Of course there are disadvantages for the non-fault system, many of them from the dishonesty of those whoWho claim to greater damage that can be detected. In fact, the 16 or so states that adopted a stringent policy in the early 1970s, only twelve were pure "no fault" states: Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Dakota, Utah, United States remains, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. The changes are as a day of "no-laws' fault. Florida, for example, repealing their "no status" guilt in 2007, no change in the law before that date.

No-faultMotor insurance and Introduction in many other states, and further restrictions will be. Traditionally, no fault auto insurance Frowned sued for damages, but now it is even more difficult for motorists injured in accidents, including pain and suffering to complain. The conditions that must be met to be contentious, collectively, the "threshold" known. Keeping the threshold can be expressed orally or in terms of dollar amounts. OfThis limit, the insurance companies to reduce time and cost of litigation necessary and the greed of the consumers. When thresholds change, so that the process of insurance claims. In an ideal world, there is no fault automobile insurance disputes can be a thing of the past.

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